yamaperfection Jun 26, 2008 11:47
group: arashi, group: hey!say!jump, je: ohno satoshi, news: kat-tun, news: news, group: super junior, je: takaki yuya, news: dbsk, je: yamada ryosuke, group: news, news: arashi, group: dbsk, group: kat-tun, je: kato shigeaki, drama discussion, important dates, news: other, tvb series: forensic heroes, random rants, scans, news: kanjani8, je: akanishi jin, tvb series, group: fahrenheit, drama: code blue, je: koyama keiichiro, je: yamashita tomohisa, translations, mag: wink up, group: kanjani8, je: ikuta toma, je: matsumoto jun, news: fahrenheit, news: hey! say! jump
yamaperfection Apr 02, 2008 21:05
news: news, group: super junior, pictures, tvb talk, news: dbsk, je: yamada ryosuke, dorama info, group: news, tvb series: war of in-laws, group: dbsk, tadaima, mag: kindai, news: super junior, mag: myojo, k artist: lee jun ki, pic spam, group: tegomasu, scans, news: fahrenheit, dorama talk, downloads, tvb series, group: fahrenheit
yamaperfection Oct 27, 2007 23:05
je: chinen yuuri, group: super junior, drama: yukan club, mag: oricon style, sm: kim kibum, show: music station, group: kanjani8, je: yamada ryosuke, group: news, group: dbsk, drama discussion, new layout, pic spam, random rants: fandom, dorama talk, je: akanishi jin, group: fahrenheit, mag: the television
yamaperfection Jul 11, 2007 22:34
drama: hana yori dango 2, commercials, je: kusano hironori, je: uchi hiroki, j artist: inoue mao, leelee's last thoughts, news, 2pic, group: kanjani8, je: yamada ryosuke, group: kat-tun, random rants: life, random rants: other, venting, youtube, je: ohkura tadayoshi, pic spam, fanvids, downloads, pairings